For those of you not in the know, Marci/my mom is an elementary school teacher.You can take the teacher out of second grade but you can't take the second grade out of the teacher...
1. She will smile too widely in all the photos.
2. She will make you take dreadfully adorkable photos.
3. She will get overly excited about choo choo train rides in the park.
4. But most importantly, she will take her elementary school work on her vacation.
This is Flat Stanley. |
Here he is by the train:
Here he is on the train (yes, apparently we needed a new photo while seated):
Here he is at a chocolate museum:
Here he is chilling with a sign for psychiatric medications:
Here he is photobombing a perfectly good photo of the sisters:
I've got my eye on you Stanley-- I see you stealing this show. I can crush you. (Honestly, that's not super impressive because flat stanley is just a piece of paper with some colored pencil) But I will crush you.
With Love from Sydney, Australia,
Rivi (and the Dollinger family) (and flat Stanley)
I love flat Stanley. In case you are reading this, please do not be offended Stan. Rivi is just joking.